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Hi, I am Dragan Miladinović and...

I'm absolutely delighted that you have stopped by! You will find a few insights into my life and experiences as a passionate researcher, practioner and learner in language education.

I am currently a research fellow (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. For my PhD, I am looking at teacher beliefs of university language teacher with regards to teaching/learning and specifically with regards to performative approaches to language education. I have also a strong interest in critical applied/socio-linguistics, particularly in the areas of native-speakerism research and "Migrationspädagogik."

Since 2018, I have served as the Co-Editor of the double-blind peer-reviewed journal Scenario - Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, together with Fiona Dalziel, Susanne Even, Manfred Schewe, Erika Piazzoli and Fionn Woodhouse. In this capacity, I have been involved in proof-reading, editing, layouting as well as providing feedback to over 120 publications.

I have had the opportunity to present my research at conferences and lead teacher education workshops, emphasizing the use of film, literature, digital technologies, and performative teaching methods in various countries, including Austria, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Spain, and the UK.

My journey began in Austria, where I was born and raised in a Serbian family. From a young age, I developed a strong bond to languages and cultures, which ultimately led to my early career as a grinds teacher for secondary students in German and French. This passion guided me towards pursuing an undergraduate degree in Transcultural Communication/Translation Studies (German, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, French) and a postgraduate degree in Teaching German as a Foreign Language. I'm a dedicated educator with a deep love for languages, linguistics, and teaching, and my goal is to inspire that same passion in my students.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you would like to collaborate, have any questions, or simply want to say hi. You can contact me via email